Start Off Right!

 Waking up and getting yourself out of bed for the day can sometimes feel like a chore. To make sure I'm ready and up to take on whatever the day throws at me, I give myself time.

Giving yourself time in the morning will help you not feel rushed out the door for classes, work or any other plans you have. Taking care of yourself in the morning has the possibility to give you a "look good feel good" day. Knowing you got up and got yourself ready to the best of your ability can change the way the rest of your day feels and plays out. 

I thought I would share some things I do in the morning to help me feel good and to make sure I have enough time before I need to get out the door. 

  • Don't sit on your phone right as you wake up.
Obviously, you may need to turn off an alarm but after that don't let yourself start scrolling through social media apps. It's very easy to get sucked in and before you know it twenty minutes has passed. 

  • Turn on some music.
I enjoy playing some Taylor Swift when I'm getting ready. I've noticed it helps boost my serotonin. 

  • Give yourself a routine!
I have found that following the same morning routine helps me to not leave anything out that I have to do that morning. This consists of...

  • Brushing my teeth
  • Washing my face
  • Skin care
  • Outfit for the day
  • Packing my backpack for classes
  • Eating and hydration 

Also, finding extra time in the morning to complete two things at once can help you stay on top of everything. For example, knowing it can take me ten minutes to pick out an outfit, before I start, I'll brew my coffee and think about what I want to eat so when my outfit is done so is my coffee and I know what I'll eat for breakfast:)

It's very important to eat breakfast, and if you are someone like me who doesn't feel hungry until they have been awake for two hours, try something light in the morning. On mornings like this I enjoy a yogurt, granola bar, or toast. 

I hope some of my tips and tricks will help make sure you start the day off right!

Always remember^


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