Let's Wind Down

 Getting yourself prepared for another day can be just as hard as getting up in the morning, let's talk about winding down after a day of existing.

As a college student it can be hard to call it quits on day when it feels like you still have so much to do, but there is not always enough time in a day. Give yourself a "day is over time", what I mean by this, is set a time at night that no matter what, your day is done. 

Every day at ten o'clock I'm done for the day, no more homework or any other stressors.  Give your mind and body time to wind down before bed. No one can sleep when their mind is going one hundred miles an hour. 

Give yourself time to do the things you want to do. Ending your day at whatever time you prefer gives you the time to focus on anything other than your responsibilities. 

The gap between ten o'clock and when I go to sleep gives me the time to get ready for bed, journal or read, catch up with my roommates, watch my show, and I will admit sometimes just lying in bed on my phone. 

Always remember to put yourself first before anything else. Allowing yourself to wind down at night helps balance your busy day-life and your mental and physical being. 

Some things I look forward to doing at night consist of...

  • Ice rolling my face (the cold on your face at the end of your day is the most relaxing thing I've ever done)
  • Washing my face
  • Putting on pajamas 
  • Picking up my room if needed
It's the little things that matter at the end of your day. Find your balance and what works for you. 

Relax, you got this.


  1. I absolutely love the theme of your blog! I think it's a great idea to designate a time when you are done with work and school for the day. I love using my ice roller and I think you have some other great ideas as well. I cannot wait to read what other ideas that you have for taking are of your mental health.


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