Find Your Balance

Balancing your social life, school, a job, and your mental health can feel like the universe is plotting against you at times.

The start of your day is a big contributing factor to how the rest of your day will play out. Every day starts and ends with your attitude and your view of the day and the days to come.

This blog is going to consist of what I do in my day-to-day life to help myself balance all my responsibilities. 

The most important person looking out for you is yourself. 


  1. I am looking forward to reading more of these posts. I could definitely used some tips on how to balance everything in life right now. I love the insight on how important the start to your day is. I really feel like how you start the day can determine your mindset and outcome for the rest of the day so thank you for reminding me of that. I love your words, thank you.

  2. This is such a great idea for a blog! I think that I lot of people will benefit from reading the things that help you manage your social life, school, job, and mental health. I like the idea that everyday starts and ends with your attitude and your view on the days to come; I think it's so true. I definitely find it hard to balance everything in life, so I look forward to reading more posts!


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